And he said to them, “Go into all the world and
proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."
Mark 16:15
To do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission in Turkey, Central Asia and the Middle East via performance arts and media. Supporting the growth of Churches and partner ministries both locally and internationally.
Newly released music album
This album is the first Christian Dengbêj album ever produced.
The album was recorded in Istanbul in 2018. The song lyrics have been copied directly from Bible - without changing any words.
The album has been separated into 3 chapters and has a total of 23 songs.
The Life of Jesus
The Teachings of Jesus
The Miracles of Jesus
Istanbul Weekly Outreach Project
For more information please contact us.

He lives in a country of 80 million people. Only 4,000 followers of Jesus are there. But S. is trying to change that. He’s the son of an Imam and believes Jesus is Lord. Don’t miss the conversation that originally aired on October 6th on Chris Fabry Live.

Bible & Quran Reading Workshop 2023
What is Islam? - Seminar 2023

One day a week we in Istanbul go out to the streets, city squares, parks, shopping centers, and seafront venues to share God’s Holy Word.
Since 2006 we have partnered with people from around the world to share the gospel in Turkey using
performing arts.
One of our primary areas of focus is church planting. We participate in church planting activities in Turkey, some along with other ministry organizations as well as some born out of our own initiative.
Related to church planting is consulting. We provide cultural and technical consulting services to ministry organizations involved in language, culture, translation and voiceover,etc.
If you think God might be leading you to join
SGM for two hours, two weeks ,two months or two years,
click on the 'contact' tab above - we'd love to
see how our journeys converge.

Email: info@skygeneration.org
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
About Sky Generation Ministries:
SKY GENERATION MINISTRIES was founded in Istanbul in 2006 . The expanse of the “Sky” always reminds us of the heavens and of God. And the word “Generation” reflects the truth that we are part of God’s people, a heavenly one. The forty stars in the logo were chosen to represent the number forty, a common Biblical motif.
From its establishment until today, Sky Generation Ministries has undertaken hundreds of outreach activities all across Turkey and in many cities in Iraq. Over the years we have had opportunity to work with people from many different places who for love of Jesus have gone to the farthest corners of the world. Our purpose is to take the gospel to the world, particularly to Muslim countries, by organizing events and performing arts shows in obedience to Jesus’ command, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15)